
Let's talk Azure

Microservices-Saga-EDA: Intro

About this seriesHey folks!, It’s been long since I posted a blog 😀. Few months before, my guru Sriram Ganesan came up with an interesting and a challenging topic. As we shared similar interests and thoughts around getting this implemented, without any second thought we took this up and started to do it from scratch! E-CommerceAs we all use online shopping nowadays, it will be easier for us to relate things as we proceed along with this series.

Middleware support for Azure Functions v3.0

About this blogHey folks!, In this blog we will see about a library AzureFunctions.Extensions.Middleware that I developed to make use of middleware pattern to address some of the cross-cutting concerns of our applications. Middleware support in Azure FunctionsHistorically we always have known .NET Azure Functions have been in the in-process mode. Until the release of .NET 5, now there are two modes in which we can run Azure Functions


About this blogHey folks!, In this blog we will see about CosmosPark that I developed to build different use cases on top of Azure CosmosDB. CosmosParkThis repo contains a solution that creates a serverless chat application with a gamified experience that stores data in Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions and Azure EventGrid for events processing, Azure WebPubSub for websocket client messaging and Azure Static WebApps for hosting Website linkhttps://cosmospark.iamdivakarkumar.com/

Middleware support for Azure Functions

About this blogHey folks!, In this blog we will see about a library AzureFunctions.Extensions.Middleware that I developed to make use of middleware pattern to address some of the cross-cutting concerns of our applications. Middleware support in Azure FunctionsHistorically we always have known .NET Azure Functions have been in the in-process mode. Until the release of .NET 5, now there are two modes in which we can run Azure Functions

Azure Load Testing Series - Create and run a load test

About this blogHey folks!, We have already seen a brief about a high level overview of azure load testing in the first blog of this series. In this blog we will see how to create and run a load test in Azure. Create Load test resource Creating resource In your azure portal select + create a resource and search for Azure Load Testing ( It is still in preview stage when this blog was created )

Azure Load Testing Series - Accessing bearer token in Jmeter between different thread groups using BeanShell Assertion

About this blogHey folks!, In this blog we will see how to pass bearer token dynamically between two different thread groups using bean shell assertions. We will continue with the same Mock API that we used in our previous blog Mock APIIn order to cover the scenarios, I have used a mock API that exposes token endpoint and a dummy GET endpoint. Mock API Mock Oauth Token endpoint Extract token between two thread groups using BeanShell assertions Creating two thread groups Now we can move our existing “Get access token” HTTP request to newly created thread group Create BeanShell assertion Now we can set a property similar to global variables that can be referenced in other thread groups In the script window type below command 1 props.