
Let's talk Azure

Atlassian Codegeist Unleashed Hackathon- Meeting Miner

1. About this blogRecently, I got a notification in my gmail about AI hackathon by Atlassian and thought to give it a try. 🚀 Few key takeaways How to chunk large documents with help of LangChain framework How to build AI application using Azure PromptFlow Best practices and patterns for summarizing large documents in an efficient way How to overcome ForgeApp 25 seconds timeout restrictions How to implement Responsible AI principles 2.

Series 1: Hotstar Autoscaler built with Azure OpenAI

1 About this blogWe have all seen enough posts about Game Changer 😅 plugins built on top of the GPT models. I can assure you this won’t be just another one of those. Join with me in this series to learn about some cool stuffs that you can built using these models in your real-time applications. ( Definitely not a Game Changer! 😉 ). The objective of this blog is to

Series 2 : Concurrency experiment in A1 v2 (1 vcpu, 2 GiB memory) Virtual machine

About this blogThis blog is a continuation of the previous Concurrency series blog . In the previous blog we have deployed our application on Azure Function and found that the assumption of 1vCPU : 1Core is wrong. Hence in this blog we will experiment the same process of 100 concurrent requests over A1 Series VM that have 1 core. Pre Requisites Create Windows data center virtual machine, with size A1 v2 (1 vcpu, 2 GiB memory) Add IIS feature to it using the Server manager

Series 1: Concurrency experiment in 1 vCPU Azure Function Host

About this blogThere is been a lot of misconeption when it comes to how servers are handling concurrent requests. Few believe that they are processed parallely and few disagree to it. Actually both the answers are correct!. Let’s find how it actually works in this blog. Single Core vs Multi Core processor Handling concurrent requests are entirely dependent on whether your server operates on a single core processor or multi core processor.

Air Quality Monitoring Delivery

About this blogI created this solution as part of Azure Blogathon event 2022 Phase 3, For more info about this competition please go to this website : https://azureblogathon.com/ What problem are we trying to solve today?We know that the intensity of air pollution is increasing all over the places, yet we are ignoring this fact in an assumption that we are immune to it. It is found recently by scientists that how bad this could impact us.

Fix for "Referenced assembly 'AzureFunctions.Extensions.Middleware, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have a strong name"

ProblemI have received a mail from one of our users with an issue - Referenced assembly ‘AzureFunctions.Extensions.Middleware, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ does not have a strong name This issue is happening because the package is not signed with code signing certificate. Most of the Open source projects in the Nuget are currently not signed due to below reasons. Reason for not signing the package Cost ( All the code signing authority are charging huge amount for buying a certificate and you won’t be able to use self-signed certificate in Nuget) Binding Policy Virality No Drop-in replacement Ref for last 3 points :https://github.